Monday, October 26, 2009

Grace Fellowship: What Does A Christian Look Like?

Part 1: Colossians 1:1-8

Now, you need to understand that just asking that question is rather presumptuous to many people. For us, it is a logical question that deserves to be answered. For others, we would seem to be presumptuous and arrogant to even suggest that a definitive answer to that question even exists! “How can you say this person is a Christian but that person is not? How can you be so narrow as to think Christianity can be defined in specific terms? Another person’s Christianity is not subject to you, or your rules, or your interpretation of the Bible. You’re being judgmental and bigoted and intolerant, and … . . etc., etc.” And if our definition of Christianity is only based upon personal opinion, then those accusations are true. We are being judgmental and bigoted if we require others to measure up to our personal, privatized, preferences regarding Christianity...

Full Sermon Notes
[For sermon audio click here]

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